Crispy or cakey?

I prefer a softer, cake-like cookie which is why I settled on the recipe I did for my cookies. In full transparency, two out of all my clients have expressed their preference for crispy cookies and have found someone else to work with. It’s all good!

In order to achieve a softer cookie, you need to make your cookies thicker and bake shorter. You do need to watch the doughy middle syndrome, one I fought for some time with my recipe until I did 3 things:

  • I changed my flour mixture to use about a 2/3 to 1/3 ratio of regular all purpose unbleached white flour to cake flour.

  • I added baking powder to my recipe, even though most people will say that causes cookies to “spread”

  • In larger cookies, say 3.75” and greater, I will poke holes in the middle of the raw cookie shape with fork tines so that the center bakes more evenly.

You definitely want to review any recipe you find online for comments about texture. I have also found that freezing cookies will give them a gentler bite which works for me. Freezing is an amazing tool in the cookie arsenal. Fully decorated cookies freeze beautifully if you use the right techniques.